Vhf01986 details

Gene vhfRNAi AccessionVhf01986
Gene SymbolARHGEF7
Gene DescriptionRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7
Gene Name in PaperARHGEF7
GroupHost Factor
Ensembl Gene IDENSG00000102606 
UniProt IDQ14155
Entrez Gene ID8874
Host OrganismHomo sapiens
Virus Virus full nameHepatitis C virus
Virus AbbreviationHCV
Results PhenotypeInhibited infection
Hits Number*521
Confirmed Hits Number262
Methods Assay Type Cell-based
BioModel DescriptionA wholegenome siRNA library (Dharmacon siGenome, 19,470 pools of four siRNAs per gene) screen in Huh 7.5.1 human hepatocellular cell line
Confirmatory Screen DescriptionFour siRNAs from each pool were tested separately using quantitative RT-PCR and imaging assay and found that 262 out of the 521 total pools selected (50%) were confirmed with at least two siRNAs.
Primary Screen Description#Pools were classified as hits (decreased infection) if the percentage of infected cells was <50% of the plate mean in either part one and two, or in part two alone, and did not decrease cell numbers to 50% of the plate mean in part one.
Note/CommentInhibited infection(25)
References Pubmed ID19717417

*Replicates that are beyond 2-3 standard deviation values from the mean (Sharma 2009)
#A strong signal/background ratio with low variation in the assay (Zhang 1999)