Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Analysis
Total number of results for Vaccinia virus for GWAS analysis are 179. The entries include disease host genes alongwith gene ID and SNP ID
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
22990015 Stroke (pediatric) ADAMTS12 81792 rs1364044 3.00E-06 VACV
20400778 Mortality among heart failure patients ADAMTS12 81792 rs6868223 2.00E-06 VACV
23459443 QT interval (interaction) ADAMTSL1 92949 rs1978746 8.00E-06 VACV
20072603 Osteoporosis ALDH7A1 501 rs13182402 2.00E-09 VACV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis ALPK2 115701 rs12456021 4.00E-06 VACV
22139419 Mean platelet volume ANKMY1 51281 rs4305276 2.00E-11 VACV
23643386 Weight loss (gastric bypass surgery) AQP11 282679 rs7129556 4.00E-06 VACV
21533175 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate levels ARPC1A 10552 rs740160 2.00E-16 VACV
23400010 Thiazide-induced adverse metabolic effects in hypertensive patients ARRB1 408 rs17133858 6.00E-06 VACV
23728934 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ARSB 411 rs6453417 5.00E-06 VACV
19668339 Hippocampal atrophy ARSB 411 rs337847 7.00E-06 VACV
19084217 Iron status biomarkers ARSB 411 rs2052550 8.00E-06 VACV
23144326 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related biomarkers ASRGL1 80150 rs2463822 1.00E-10 VACV
24097068 HDL cholesterol ATG7 10533 rs2606736 5.00E-08 VACV
20038947 Major depressive disorder (broad) ATP6V1B2 526 rs1106634 7.00E-07 VACV
23903356 Glycemic traits (pregnancy) BACE2 25825 rs6517656 6.00E-16 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits BDP1 55814 rs35131626 9.00E-06 VACV
23704328 Primary tooth development (time to first tooth eruption) BMP4 652 rs17563 9.00E-17 VACV
23568457 Bulimia nervosa CATSPER3 347732 rs299362 3.00E-06 VACV
21123754 Alzheimer's disease biomarkers CCDC134 79879 rs7364180 1.00E-06 VACV
18794853 Rheumatoid arthritis CCL21 6366 rs2812378 3.00E-08 VACV
21102463 Crohn's disease CD244 51744 rs4656940 6.00E-07 VACV
23555300 Response to anti-TNF treatment in rheumatoid arthritis CD84 8832 rs6427528 2.00E-06 VACV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease CDC37 11140 rs11879191 2.00E-18 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CEP72 55722 rs7726839 1.00E-06 VACV
18403759 YKL-40 levels CHI3L1 1116 rs4950928 1.00E-13 VACV
21782286 Aging (time to event) COL6A3 1293 rs10202497 8.00E-06 VACV
23263863 Platelet counts COPZ1 22818 rs4326844 5.00E-08 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CPEB4 80315 rs1106693 2.00E-06 VACV
23128233 Crohn's disease CPEB4 80315 rs17695092 5.00E-09 VACV
20935629 Waist-hip ratio CPEB4 80315 rs6861681 2.00E-09 VACV
20395239 Optic disc size (cup) DENND2A 27147 rs10237118 4.00E-06 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits DPP10 57628 rs6732028 3.00E-06 VACV
19668339 Hippocampal atrophy EFNA5 1946 rs10074258 2.00E-07 VACV
21531791 Glioma EGFR 1956 rs11979158 7.00E-08 VACV
23760081 Chronic hepatitis B infection EHMT2 10919 rs652888 7.00E-13 VACV
21732829 Dupuytren's disease EIF3E 3646 rs611744 8.00E-15 VACV
23266558 Crohn's disease ELF1 1997 rs7329174 8.00E-09 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits ERBB3 2065 rs34379766 5.00E-07 VACV
21829393 Type 1 diabetes autoantibodies ERBB3 2065 rs2292239 3.00E-27 VACV
20205591 HIV-1 control EVI5L 115704 rs558718 4.00E-06 VACV
23144326 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related biomarkers EYA1 2138 rs7006821 5.00E-06 VACV
17903308 Sleepiness EYA1 2138 rs2218488 3.00E-06 VACV
23650146 Venous thromboembolism F11 2160 rs4253399 3.00E-14 VACV
22703881 Activated partial thromboplastin time F11 2160 rs1593 2.00E-18 VACV
21980494 Venous thromboembolism F11 2160 rs3756008 6.00E-11 VACV
22808956 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis F8 2157 rs17281398 4.00E-07 VACV
23770605 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia FAS 355 rs4406737 1.00E-14 VACV
20694011 Immunoglobulin A FAS 355 rs2234978 6.00E-06 VACV
21909115 Diastolic blood pressure FES 2242 rs2521501 2.00E-15 VACV
23534349 QT interval FGFBP2 83888 rs4698433 6.00E-06 VACV
18957941 Personality dimensions FUNDC1 139341 rs6610953 6.00E-06 VACV
22139419 Platelet counts GP1BA 2811 rs6065 3.00E-11 VACV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease GPR35 2859 rs3749171 3.00E-21 VACV
22821403 Sclerosing cholangitis and ulcerative colitis (combined) GPR35 2859 rs4676410 2.00E-09 VACV
22566498 Response to angiotensin II receptor blocker therapy (opposite direction w/ diuretic therapy) GPR83 10888 rs3758785 2.00E-06 VACV
19801982 Bone mineral density (hip) HDAC5 10014 rs228769 2.00E-08 VACV
23222517 Red blood cell traits HK1 3098 rs10159477 4.00E-20 VACV
20858683 Glycated hemoglobin levels HK1 3098 rs16926246 3.00E-54 VACV
19096518 Glycated hemoglobin levels HK1 3098 rs7072268 2.00E-25 VACV
22939635 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs2259816 3.00E-10 VACV
21203500 N-glycan levels HNF1A 6927 rs735396 4.00E-08 VACV
24097068 Cholesterol, total HNF1A 6927 rs1169288 4.00E-17 VACV
23844046 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs1183910 4.00E-12 VACV
23263486 Urate levels HNF1A 6927 rs2244608 8.00E-08 VACV
22939635 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs7979473 1.00E-10 VACV
22788528 C-reactive protein and white blood cell count HNF1A 6927 rs2393791 3.00E-09 VACV
22001757 Liver enzyme levels (gamma-glutamyl transferase) HNF1A 6927 rs7310409 7.00E-45 VACV
18439552 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs1169310 2.00E-08 VACV
23284291 Pulmonary function (interaction) HTR4 3360 rs11168048 5.00E-17 VACV
22837378 Airflow obstruction HTR4 3360 rs7733088 4.00E-09 VACV
20010834 Pulmonary function HTR4 3360 rs3995090 4.00E-09 VACV
20838585 Cardiovascular disease risk factors IL1RAPL1 11141 rs7890572 1.00E-07 VACV
19122664 Ulcerative colitis IL26 55801 rs2870946 5.00E-07 VACV
23092984 Bipolar disorder (mood-incongruent) INPP4A 3631 rs12617721 7.00E-06 VACV
21658281 Sudden cardiac arrest KCTD1 284252 rs16942421 8.00E-10 VACV
21160077 Prostate-specific antigen levels KLK3 354 rs17632542 3.00E-46 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits KMO 8564 rs1053221 1.00E-06 VACV
22760553 Response to citalopram treatment LAMA1 284217 rs3810046 5.00E-07 VACV
22693455 Type 2 diabetes LAMA1 284217 rs8090011 8.00E-09 VACV
21408207 Systemic lupus erythematosus LAMC2 3918 rs525410 6.00E-07 VACV
21347282 Coronary heart disease LAMC2 3918 rs1028771 4.00E-06 VACV
23213074 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease histology (other) LCP1 3936 rs7324845 3.00E-06 VACV
22745009 Hippocampal atrophy LHFP 10186 rs9315702 2.00E-08 VACV
23666239 Testicular germ cell tumor LIPG 9388 rs9951026 5.00E-06 VACV
23568457 Bulimia nervosa MAGI3 260425 rs61742849 6.00E-06 VACV
19668339 Hippocampal atrophy MAL2 114569 rs1364705 9.00E-06 VACV
21107309 Reasoning MAP3K9 4293 rs17108533 1.00E-06 VACV
22949513 Epilepsy (generalized) MAST4 375449 rs39861 3.00E-07 VACV
20009918 Carotid atherosclerosis in HIV infection MAST4 375449 rs1697137 2.00E-06 VACV
23535732 Prostate cancer MDM4 4194 rs4245739 2.00E-11 VACV
23544013 Breast Cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers MDM4 4194 rs2290854 1.00E-07 VACV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI MICA 100507436 rs12175489 2.00E-06 VACV
21653640 Rheumatoid arthritis MICA 100507436 rs1063635 1.00E-17 VACV
21499248 Hepatocellular carcinoma MICA 100507436 rs2596542 4.00E-13 VACV
20881960 Height MICA 100507436 rs2256183 8.00E-29 VACV
22832961 Alzheimer's disease MMP12 4321 rs12808148 1.00E-06 VACV
19430483 Systolic blood pressure MTHFR 4524 rs17367504 2.00E-13 VACV
23824729 Homocysteine levels MTHFR 4524 rs1801133 4.00E-104 VACV
19597492 Atrial fibrillation MTHFR 4524 rs17375901 6.00E-07 VACV
22137330 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (variant) MTMR7 9108 rs4921542 2.00E-08 VACV
24097068 Cholesterol, total MYLIP 29116 rs3757354 2.00E-15 VACV
23423138 Mathematical ability in children with dyslexia MYO18B 84700 rs133885 8.00E-10 VACV
21294900 Uric acid levels MYO18B 84700 rs8139900 4.00E-06 VACV
20713499 Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression (combined) MYO18B 84700 rs1001021 2.00E-06 VACV
23533358 Addiction NCK2 8440 rs2377339 1.00E-11 VACV
24026423 Mean platelet volume NFE2 4778 rs10506328 2.00E-09 VACV
23028356 Rheumatoid arthritis NFKBIE 4794 rs2233434 1.00E-15 VACV
23007406 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (childhood) NPFFR1 64106 rs41322152 8.00E-06 VACV
23319000 Metabolite levels (HVA/MHPG ratio) NRXN1 9378 rs6750634 4.00E-06 VACV
22832960 Temperament NRXN1 9378 rs6754640 1.00E-06 VACV
20834067 Longevity NRXN1 9378 rs1356888 1.00E-06 VACV
20691247 Personality dimensions NRXN1 9378 rs10176705 9.00E-06 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits NUP153 9972 rs2274136 3.00E-06 VACV
18391951 Height NUP153 9972 rs12199222 7.00E-07 VACV
23934736 Metabolite levels (Dihydroxy docosatrienoic acid) NUP98 4928 rs685782 7.00E-06 VACV
22699663 Periodontal microbiota OTOF 9381 rs1011108 2.00E-06 VACV
21658281 Sudden cardiac arrest PARP4 143 rs9581094 7.00E-07 VACV
23563607 Height PCSK5 5125 rs11144688 4.00E-16 VACV
23319000 Metabolite levels (5-HIAA) PCSK5 5125 rs7047865 5.00E-06 VACV
23149075 Response to fenofibrate (adiponectin levels) PCSK5 5125 rs10746997 1.00E-06 VACV
23408906 Thyroid hormone levels PDE10A 10846 rs753760 1.00E-24 VACV
20585324 Conduct disorder (symptom count) PDE10A 10846 rs7762160 1.00E-06 VACV
23222517 Red blood cell traits PIEZO1 9780 rs10445033 2.00E-22 VACV
21490949 Type 2 diabetes PLS1 5357 rs3773506 9.00E-06 VACV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) PPAPDC1A 196051 rs118048115 6.00E-07 VACV
20663923 Autism PPP2R5C 5527 rs7142002 3.00E-06 VACV
20700443 Magnesium levels PRMT7 54496 rs7197653 2.00E-06 VACV
23563607 Height PSMC3 5702 rs10838708 2.00E-09 VACV
23022100 Serum albumin level PSMC3 5702 rs2293579 8.00E-08 VACV
19820697 Hematological parameters PTPN11 5781 rs11066301 8.00E-12 VACV
22959728 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (age of onset) PTPRF 5792 rs2819332 5.00E-06 VACV
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality PTPRM 5797 rs8098064 4.00E-06 VACV
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality PTPRM 5797 rs7243299 8.00E-06 VACV
24026423 Platelet counts RCL1 10171 rs423955 1.00E-09 VACV
23263863 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin RCL1 10171 rs10815094 5.00E-06 VACV
23263863 Mean corpuscular volume RCL1 10171 rs2236496 2.00E-07 VACV
23263863 Platelet counts RCL1 10171 rs457287 1.00E-06 VACV
22139419 Platelet counts RCL1 10171 rs13300663 1.00E-29 VACV
19862010 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin RCL1 10171 rs10758658 2.00E-14 VACV
22843503 Resistin levels RETN 56729 rs3745367 3.00E-06 VACV
22139419 Mean platelet volume RNF145 153830 rs10076782 4.00E-08 VACV
20686608 Pancreatic cancer RNF43 54894 rs2257205 8.00E-06 VACV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue/subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio RPS14 6208 rs13177918 8.00E-06 VACV
22911880 Eating disorders RUFY1 80230 rs6894268 3.00E-06 VACV
20585324 Conduct disorder (symptom count) SELPLG 6404 rs8179116 3.00E-06 VACV
23144326 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related biomarkers SFTPD 6441 rs7078012 5.00E-09 VACV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-1beta) SLC15A1 6564 rs9582259 3.00E-08 VACV
20860503 Asthma SLC22A5 6584 rs2073643 2.00E-07 VACV
20881960 Height SLIT3 6586 rs4282339 7.00E-16 VACV
21347282 Coronary heart disease SMARCA4 6597 rs11669133 1.00E-08 VACV
21378990 Coronary heart disease SMARCA4 6597 rs1122608 1.00E-09 VACV
23251661 Obesity-related traits SP110 3431 rs13010639 6.00E-06 VACV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) SP6 80320 rs4794202 8.00E-08 VACV
22688191 Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia SPTLC1 10558 rs7872515 6.00E-07 VACV
19079261 Body mass index STK33 65975 rs10769908 1.00E-06 VACV
20935630 Body mass index STK33 65975 rs4929949 3.00E-09 VACV
20596022 Alopecia areata STX17 55014 rs10760706 4.00E-07 VACV
21685912 Progressive supranuclear palsy STX6 10228 rs1411478 4.00E-11 VACV
23471985 Brain connectivity TACR1 6869 rs3771863 3.00E-09 VACV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI TAF4B 6875 rs1791780 4.00E-07 VACV
23945395 Type 2 diabetes TCF7L2 6934 rs7903146 2.00E-15 VACV
23535729 Breast cancer TCF7L2 6934 rs7904519 3.00E-08 VACV
23544013 Breast Cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers TCF7L2 6934 rs11196174 8.00E-07 VACV
21347282 Coronary heart disease TCF7L2 6934 rs7901695 1.00E-06 VACV
20081858 Fasting glucose-related traits TCF7L2 6934 rs4506565 1.00E-08 VACV
20081857 Two-hour glucose challenge TCF7L2 6934 rs12243326 1.00E-07 VACV
23612905 Graves' disease TG 7038 rs2294025 8.00E-09 VACV
22566634 Economic and political preferences (time) THAP2 83591 rs10748180 5.00E-06 VACV
23229837 Neuroticism TMPRSS9 360200 rs4806846 8.00E-06 VACV
24097066 Sj?ren's syndrome TNFAIP3 7128 rs5029939 8.00E-09 VACV
23273568 Systemic lupus erythematosus TNFAIP3 7128 rs2230926 1.00E-13 VACV
20953190 Psoriasis TNFAIP3 7128 rs610604 7.00E-07 VACV
21654844 Multiple sclerosis TRIM2 23321 rs12644284 4.00E-06 VACV
23535732 Prostate cancer TRIM8 81603 rs3850699 5.00E-10 VACV
23793025 Migraine TRPM8 79054 rs6741751 9.00E-14 VACV
22683712 Migraine TRPM8 79054 rs10166942 1.00E-12 VACV
20031603 QT interval TTN 7273 rs12476289 2.00E-06 VACV
21897333 Fat distribution (HIV) UBE4A 9354 rs502514 2.00E-06 VACV