Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Analysis
Total number of results for Rotavirus for GWAS analysis are 162. The entries include disease host genes alongwith gene ID and SNP ID
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
20185149 Schizophrenia ACSM1 116285 rs433598 3.00E-06 RV
18347602 Schizophrenia ACSM1 116285 rs151222 6.00E-06 RV
23583979 Heart rate ACTN4 81 rs11083475 2.00E-06 RV
22019778 Leprosy ADGB 79747 rs2275606 4.00E-14 RV
23704328 Primary tooth development (number of teeth) ADK 132 rs7924176 8.00E-16 RV
23989729 Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis APOA1 335 rs12721025 2.00E-10 RV
23894747 Schizophrenia ARHGAP31 57514 rs17203055 5.00E-06 RV
22139419 Platelet counts ARVCF 421 rs1034566 3.00E-08 RV
21782286 Aging (time to event) ATCAY 85300 rs10412199 3.00E-06 RV
23160099 Sagittal craniosynostosis BBS9 27241 rs10262453 6.00E-20 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits BDP1 55814 rs35131626 9.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits BICC1 80114 rs11006263 7.00E-06 RV
21779176 Restless legs syndrome BTBD9 114781 rs9357271 8.00E-22 RV
17634447 Restless legs syndrome BTBD9 114781 rs3923809 1.00E-17 RV
17637780 Restless legs syndrome BTBD9 114781 rs9296249 4.00E-18 RV
22554406 Electroencephalographic traits in alcoholism C11orf84 144097 rs10897449 7.00E-06 RV
23568457 Anorexia nervosa CAMK1D 57118 rs75263140 6.00E-06 RV
23459443 QT interval (interaction) CAMK1D 57118 rs10906189 6.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CAMK1D 57118 rs10906142 4.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CAMK1D 57118 rs4750211 6.00E-07 RV
21123754 Alzheimer's disease biomarkers CCDC134 79879 rs7364180 1.00E-06 RV
24162737 Alzheimer's disease (late onset) CD33 945 rs3865444 3.00E-06 RV
18976728 Alzheimer's disease CD33 945 rs3826656 6.00E-06 RV
23555300 Response to anti-TNF treatment in rheumatoid arthritis CD84 8832 rs6427528 2.00E-06 RV
21685912 Progressive supranuclear palsy CD8B 926 rs6547705 1.00E-08 RV
23958962 Cocaine dependence CDK1 983 rs2456778 5.00E-06 RV
23396134 Refractive error CHRNG 1146 rs1881492 5.00E-11 RV
19561606 Kidney stones CLDN14 23562 rs219780 4.00E-12 RV
21983787 Melanoma CLPTM1L 81037 rs401681 3.00E-08 RV
19836008 Lung adenocarcinoma CLPTM1L 81037 rs31489 2.00E-10 RV
18978790 Lung cancer CLPTM1L 81037 rs402710 4.00E-06 RV
24105470 Adiponectin levels CMIP 80790 rs2925979 2.00E-10 RV
22158537 Type 2 diabetes CMIP 80790 rs16955379 3.00E-07 RV
22451204 Parkinson's disease CNKSR3 154043 rs2275336 9.00E-07 RV
23362303 Stearic acid (18:0) plasma levels CNN3 1266 rs860873 2.00E-14 RV
18369459 Psoriasis COG6 57511 rs7993214 2.00E-06 RV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-12p40) COL1A2 1278 rs3736638 3.00E-07 RV
17903307 Mean forced vital capacity from 2 exams COL1A2 1278 rs441051 2.00E-06 RV
20541252 Vitamin D insufficiency CYP2R1 120227 rs10741657 3.00E-20 RV
24057671 Tuberculosis DCUN1D5 84259 rs7947821 2.00E-06 RV
23449627 Pubertal anthropometrics DDX55 57696 rs786425 3.00E-06 RV
24101674 Type 2 diabetes DNER 92737 rs1861612 7.00E-08 RV
23284291 Pulmonary function (interaction) DNER 92737 rs7594321 3.00E-09 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits EFNA1 1942 rs11264330 5.00E-06 RV
21079520 Non-small cell lung cancer EIF4E2 9470 rs1656402 8.00E-08 RV
23568457 Eating disorders EMP2 2013 rs2221433 5.00E-06 RV
23319000 Metabolite levels (MHPG) EMP2 2013 rs6498068 6.00E-06 RV
20732626 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder EMP2 2013 rs11074889 7.00E-07 RV
18464913 Protein quantitative trait loci EPS8 2059 rs17415853 7.00E-07 RV
21738478 White blood cell types ERG 2078 rs7275212 2.00E-18 RV
23381943 End-stage coagulation F13A1 2162 rs5985 3.00E-186 RV
23381943 End-stage coagulation F13A1 2162 rs3024321 8.00E-142 RV
21116278 MRI atrophy measures F13A1 2162 rs749005 3.00E-07 RV
23300138 Tumor biomarkers FAM3B 54097 rs441810 3.00E-22 RV
23824729 Homocysteine levels FANCA 2175 rs12921383 8.00E-11 RV
24204828 Homeostasis model assessment of beta-cell function (interaction) FAT3 120114 rs7129229 1.00E-06 RV
20834067 Longevity GABRB3 2562 rs3212335 1.00E-06 RV
19734545 Cognitive performance GABRB3 2562 rs8043440 2.00E-06 RV
22139419 Platelet counts GP1BA 2811 rs6065 3.00E-11 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits GRIA1 2890 rs10065813 8.00E-06 RV
21658281 Sudden cardiac arrest GRIA1 2890 rs12189362 3.00E-10 RV
20592726 Asparaginase hypersensitivity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia GRIA1 2890 rs4958351 4.00E-07 RV
19260139 Anthropometric traits GRIA1 2890 rs12658202 9.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits GRID2 2895 rs7666831 8.00E-06 RV
24144296 Axial length GYLTL1B 120071 rs10838532 2.00E-06 RV
20397748 Height HHIP 64399 rs1812175 1.00E-09 RV
18391950 Height HHIP 64399 rs1492820 1.00E-11 RV
18391952 Height HHIP 64399 rs6854783 2.00E-09 RV
23417110 Beta-2 microglubulin plasma levels HLA-B 3106 rs2523608 9.00E-09 RV
22139419 Platelet counts HLA-B 3106 rs3819299 9.00E-10 RV
23534349 QRS duration HMCN1 83872 rs13375391 9.00E-06 RV
21738484 Bipolar disorder HNRNPC 3183 rs17197037 2.00E-06 RV
23740937 Systemic lupus erythematosus and Systemic sclerosis ITGAM 3684 rs11860650 1.00E-10 RV
23273568 Systemic lupus erythematosus ITGAM 3684 rs9937837 7.00E-06 RV
21408207 Systemic lupus erythematosus ITGAM 3684 rs9888739 1.00E-15 RV
19165918 Systemic lupus erythematosus ITGAM 3684 rs11150610 2.00E-06 RV
20062063 Electrocardiographic traits KCNE1 3753 rs727957 2.00E-12 RV
23870195 Coronary artery calcification KCNK13 56659 rs4900022 4.00E-06 RV
23535732 Prostate cancer KCNN3 3782 rs1218582 2.00E-08 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits KCNN3 3782 rs6691316 7.00E-06 RV
22544366 Atrial fibrillation KCNN3 3782 rs6666258 2.00E-14 RV
20173747 Atrial fibrillation KCNN3 3782 rs13376333 2.00E-21 RV
23870195 Coronary artery calcification KCNQ3 3786 rs978152 8.00E-06 RV
20125193 Cognitive performance KIAA1217 56243 rs2484873 4.00E-07 RV
24449572 Rheumatoid arthritis KIF5A 3798 rs1678542 1.00E-07 RV
21107309 Reasoning LYZL4 131375 rs2286720 1.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits MATK 4145 rs12104221 3.00E-08 RV
23555189 PCA3 expression level MSMB 4477 rs10993994 1.00E-09 RV
22916037 Metabolite levels MYO1E 4643 rs2306786 1.00E-10 RV
24047820 Social communication problems MYO1E 4643 rs4218 1.00E-07 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits NDUFA8 4702 rs3818638 6.00E-06 RV
23969696 Fibrinogen NLRP3 114548 rs10157379 1.00E-19 RV
23738518 Word reading NLRP3 114548 rs10925015 8.00E-06 RV
21300955 C-reactive protein NLRP3 114548 rs12239046 1.00E-15 RV
20031576 Fibrinogen NLRP3 114548 rs1539019 1.00E-08 RV
23319000 Metabolite levels (HVA/MHPG ratio) NRXN1 9378 rs6750634 4.00E-06 RV
22832960 Temperament NRXN1 9378 rs6754640 1.00E-06 RV
20834067 Longevity NRXN1 9378 rs1356888 1.00E-06 RV
20691247 Personality dimensions NRXN1 9378 rs10176705 9.00E-06 RV
23263486 Urate levels NRXN2 9379 rs478607 4.00E-11 RV
23319801 Breast cancer (prognosis) NTN1 9423 rs3785982 8.00E-06 RV
18204098 Systemic lupus erythematosus NTNG2 84628 rs11243676 3.00E-06 RV
21909109 HDL cholesterol OAS3 4940 rs2072134 6.00E-06 RV
19136949 Alzheimer's disease PCDH11X 27328 rs2573905 2.00E-07 RV
23921680 Allergic dermatitis (nickel) PELI1 57162 rs6733160 7.00E-06 RV
21221998 Kawasaki disease PELI1 57162 rs7604693 2.00E-06 RV
24105470 Adiponectin levels PEPD 5184 rs889140 4.00E-12 RV
24097068 HDL cholesterol PEPD 5184 rs731839 3.00E-09 RV
22581228 Fasting insulin-related traits (interaction with BMI) PEPD 5184 rs8182584 9.00E-08 RV
22479202 Adiponectin levels PEPD 5184 rs4805885 2.00E-08 RV
22158537 Type 2 diabetes PEPD 5184 rs3786897 1.00E-08 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits PHTF2 57157 rs12234571 6.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits PKNOX2 63876 rs7112365 2.00E-06 RV
22488850 Alcohol and nictotine co-dependence PKNOX2 63876 rs1426153 2.00E-06 RV
21956439 Alcohol dependence PKNOX2 63876 rs10893366 8.00E-06 RV
21703634 Alcohol dependence PKNOX2 63876 rs750338 1.00E-06 RV
21298047 Substance dependence PKNOX2 63876 rs12284594 7.00E-08 RV
19165232 Panic disorder PKP1 5317 rs860554 5.00E-08 RV
23936387 Celiac disease PPP1R12B 4660 rs12734338 3.00E-07 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits PPP1R12B 4660 rs12739262 1.00E-06 RV
20663923 Autism PPP2R5C 5527 rs7142002 3.00E-06 RV
17903302 Tonometry PREX1 57580 rs6063312 2.00E-06 RV
21107309 Reasoning PRKCZ 5590 rs3753242 1.00E-06 RV
20881960 Height PRKCZ 5590 rs425277 2.00E-08 RV
18758461 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia PRKD2 25865 rs11083846 4.00E-09 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits PRKG1 5592 rs293314 7.00E-06 RV
21907864 Asthma PRKG1 5592 rs7922491 5.00E-07 RV
23472185 Multiple sclerosis (OCB status) PRKRA 8575 rs9283487 3.00E-07 RV
22566634 Economic and political preferences (feminism/equality) RAB30 27314 rs11233413 4.00E-07 RV
23455636 Age-related macular degeneration RAD51B 5890 rs8017304 9.00E-11 RV
23001122 Breast cancer (male) RAD51B 5890 rs1314913 3.00E-13 RV
23118302 Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity change in response to statin therapy RNF213 57674 rs12051723 3.00E-06 RV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue/subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio RPS14 6208 rs13177918 8.00E-06 RV
21368711 Personality dimensions RXRG 6258 rs285480 4.00E-07 RV
21102462 Menarche (age at onset) RXRG 6258 rs466639 1.00E-13 RV
19754311 AIDS RXRG 6258 rs10800098 4.00E-06 RV
23535732 Prostate cancer SHROOM2 357 rs2405942 2.00E-10 RV
22951594 Breast cancer SIAH2 6478 rs6788895 9.00E-08 RV
21824976 Bladder cancer SLC14A1 6563 rs7238033 9.00E-09 RV
21750109 Bladder cancer SLC14A1 6563 rs17674580 8.00E-11 RV
23263486 Urate levels SLC17A1 6568 rs1165151 7.00E-70 RV
21208937 Iron levels SLC17A1 6568 rs17342717 5.00E-09 RV
20884846 Urate levels SLC17A1 6568 rs1165196 5.00E-25 RV
19503597 Uric acid levels SLC17A1 6568 rs1183201 3.00E-14 RV
19084217 Iron status biomarkers SLC17A1 6568 rs17270561 5.00E-07 RV
22566634 Economic and political preferences SLC22A9 114571 rs7101446 3.00E-06 RV
23202124 Birth weight SLC2A4 6517 rs5415 5.00E-06 RV
23378610 Metabolite levels SLC6A12 6539 rs499368 2.00E-10 RV
17903301 Echocardiographic traits SLIT2 9353 rs1379659 1.00E-07 RV
17903301 Echocardiographic traits SLIT2 9353 rs666088 5.00E-06 RV
20881960 Height SLIT3 6586 rs4282339 7.00E-16 RV
24024966 Periodontitis (Mean PAL) SMURF2 64750 rs111854052 9.00E-06 RV
22581228 Fasting insulin-related traits (interaction with BMI) SYN2 6854 rs308971 2.00E-07 RV
24023261 Lipid traits THOC5 8563 rs8135828 2.00E-07 RV
24025145 Adverse response to chemotherapy in breast cancer (alopecia) (paclitaxel) TMEM132C 92293 rs11059635 2.00E-07 RV
23456168 Height TMEM132C 92293 rs10773568 3.00E-06 RV
21423239 Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder TMEM132C 92293 rs7296262 1.00E-06 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits TMEM229B 161145 rs17104363 5.00E-08 RV
22359512 Phospholipid levels (plasma) TMEM229B 161145 rs1077989 9.00E-18 RV
23251661 Obesity-related traits TMEM45B 120224 rs10894147 7.00E-06 RV
19721433 Response to antipsychotic treatment TRPM1 4308 rs17815774 3.00E-06 RV
24024966 Periodontitis (CDC/AAP) WDR73 84942 rs34069323 2.00E-06 RV