Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Analysis
Total number of results for Poliovirus for GWAS analysis are 203. The entries include disease host genes alongwith gene ID and SNP ID
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
23382691 IgG glycosylation ABCF2 10061 rs1122979 2.00E-10 PV
24024966 Periodontitis (CDC/AAP) ACTN2 88 rs12048046 3.00E-06 PV
23583979 Heart rate ACTN4 81 rs11083475 2.00E-06 PV
23456092 Alcohol dependence ADH1B 125 rs1229984 3.00E-21 PV
22484627 Obesity ALPK1 80216 rs4833407 1.00E-06 PV
21799462 Epirubicin-induced leukopenia ALPK1 80216 rs6838440 3.00E-06 PV
21685187 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ANXA5 308 rs55645543 5.00E-07 PV
24023260 Lipid traits APOA5 116519 rs662799 6.00E-24 PV
22286219 Lipid metabolism phenotypes APOA5 116519 rs651821 8.00E-20 PV
22286219 Lipid metabolism phenotypes APOE 348 rs7412 3.00E-58 PV
20668430 Glomerulosclerosis APOL1 8542 rs2239785 5.00E-13 PV
21983787 Melanoma ATM 472 rs1801516 3.00E-09 PV
21841780 Graves' disease BACH2 60468 rs370409 2.00E-06 PV
20190752 Celiac disease BACH2 60468 rs10806425 4.00E-10 PV
22139419 Platelet counts BAZ2A 11176 rs941207 2.00E-10 PV
24026423 Platelet counts BET1L 51272 rs11602954 5.00E-12 PV
22610502 Immune response to smallpox vaccine (IL-6) BLK 640 rs2255327 3.00E-07 PV
21452313 Rheumatoid arthritis BLK 640 rs1600249 5.00E-06 PV
19165918 Systemic lupus erythematosus BLK 640 rs2618476 2.00E-08 PV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) BZW2 28969 rs58370486 6.00E-11 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CADM1 23705 rs220836 6.00E-06 PV
20062060 PR interval CAV1 857 rs3807989 4.00E-28 PV
23263863 Mean corpuscular volume CCND3 896 rs3218097 9.00E-08 PV
21102463 Crohn's disease CD244 51744 rs4656940 6.00E-07 PV
23958962 Cocaine dependence CDK1 983 rs2456778 5.00E-06 PV
23259602 Dental caries CDKN3 1033 rs4251631 2.00E-07 PV
23505323 HDL cholesterol CETP 1071 rs1532624 1.00E-24 PV
20031564 HDL cholesterol CETP 1071 rs1800775 4.00E-93 PV
23128233 Ulcerative colitis CHP1 11261 rs28374715 2.00E-08 PV
18957941 Personality dimensions CLOCK 9575 rs6832769 2.00E-06 PV
24105470 Adiponectin levels CMIP 80790 rs2925979 2.00E-10 PV
22158537 Type 2 diabetes CMIP 80790 rs16955379 3.00E-07 PV
23362303 Stearic acid (18:0) plasma levels CNN3 1266 rs860873 2.00E-14 PV
22726844 QT interval CNOT1 23019 rs37060 1.00E-07 PV
19305408 QT interval CNOT1 23019 rs37062 3.00E-25 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CPEB4 80315 rs1106693 2.00E-06 PV
23128233 Crohn's disease CPEB4 80315 rs17695092 5.00E-09 PV
20935629 Waist-hip ratio CPEB4 80315 rs6861681 2.00E-09 PV
23149075 Response to fenofibrate (adiponectin levels) DDX54 79039 rs2384207 5.00E-08 PV
23449627 Pubertal anthropometrics DDX55 57696 rs786425 3.00E-06 PV
19176441 Response to treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia DGKB 1607 rs6971925 3.00E-06 PV
24068962 Calcium levels DGKD 8527 rs1550532 8.00E-11 PV
20705733 Calcium levels DGKD 8527 rs838705 9.00E-06 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits DLG2 1740 rs2116483 8.00E-06 PV
22544364 Wilms tumor DLG2 1740 rs790356 4.00E-15 PV
22359512 Phospholipid levels (plasma) DLG2 1740 rs17148090 4.00E-08 PV
18464913 Protein quantitative trait loci DLG2 1740 rs3885683 8.00E-06 PV
17052657 Parkinson's disease DLG2 1740 rs10501570 7.00E-06 PV
23760081 Chronic hepatitis B infection EHMT2 10919 rs652888 7.00E-13 PV
23266558 Crohn's disease ELF1 1997 rs7329174 8.00E-09 PV
23535729 Breast cancer EMID1 129080 rs132390 3.00E-09 PV
23568457 Eating disorders EMP2 2013 rs2221433 5.00E-06 PV
23319000 Metabolite levels (MHPG) EMP2 2013 rs6498068 6.00E-06 PV
20732626 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder EMP2 2013 rs11074889 7.00E-07 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits ERBB3 2065 rs34379766 5.00E-07 PV
21829393 Type 1 diabetes autoantibodies ERBB3 2065 rs2292239 3.00E-27 PV
23551011 Preeclampsia ERP44 23071 rs7028939 3.00E-06 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits ETS1 2113 rs7117932 8.00E-06 PV
20190752 Celiac disease ETS1 2113 rs11221332 5.00E-16 PV
20169177 Systemic lupus erythematosus ETS1 2113 rs1128334 2.00E-11 PV
23824729 Homocysteine levels FANCA 2175 rs12921383 8.00E-11 PV
23770605 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia FAS 355 rs4406737 1.00E-14 PV
20694011 Immunoglobulin A FAS 355 rs2234978 6.00E-06 PV
22688191 Schizophrenia FEZ1 9638 rs11220082 7.00E-07 PV
21804548 Asthma GAB1 2549 rs3805236 7.00E-08 PV
20881960 Height GIT1 28964 rs3110496 7.00E-09 PV
23535732 Prostate cancer GRHL1 29841 rs11902236 3.00E-08 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits GRK5 2869 rs1397615 2.00E-06 PV
22961080 Type 2 diabetes GRK5 2869 rs10886471 7.00E-09 PV
24097068 HDL cholesterol GSK3B 2932 rs6805251 1.00E-08 PV
22939635 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs2259816 3.00E-10 PV
21203500 N-glycan levels HNF1A 6927 rs735396 4.00E-08 PV
24097068 Cholesterol, total HNF1A 6927 rs1169288 4.00E-17 PV
23844046 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs1183910 4.00E-12 PV
23263486 Urate levels HNF1A 6927 rs2244608 8.00E-08 PV
22939635 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs7979473 1.00E-10 PV
22788528 C-reactive protein and white blood cell count HNF1A 6927 rs2393791 3.00E-09 PV
22001757 Liver enzyme levels (gamma-glutamyl transferase) HNF1A 6927 rs7310409 7.00E-45 PV
18439552 C-reactive protein HNF1A 6927 rs1169310 2.00E-08 PV
23535730 Ovarian cancer HNF1B 6928 rs757210 8.00E-10 PV
21107309 Reasoning HUNK 30811 rs2833556 5.00E-07 PV
21533024 Soluble ICAM-1 ICAM1 3383 rs1799969 1.00E-120 PV
23512250 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (childhood) IKZF1 10320 rs6964969 2.00E-29 PV
19684603 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (childhood) IKZF1 10320 rs11978267 8.00E-11 PV
22139419 Platelet counts IRF1 3659 rs2070729 1.00E-10 PV
22863734 Orofacial clefts IRF6 3664 rs861020 3.00E-12 PV
22139419 Platelet counts ITPK1 3705 rs8006385 1.00E-10 PV
20881960 Height ITPR3 3710 rs4711336 3.00E-08 PV
20062063 Electrocardiographic traits KCNE1 3753 rs727957 2.00E-12 PV
23870195 Coronary artery calcification KCNQ3 3786 rs978152 8.00E-06 PV
23472165 Endometriosis KSR2 283455 rs10431397 7.00E-06 PV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI KSR2 283455 rs4304868 8.00E-06 PV
19260141 Biochemical measures KSR2 283455 rs10444502 6.00E-06 PV
19260141 Biochemical measures KSR2 283455 rs4767631 6.00E-07 PV
21408207 Systemic lupus erythematosus LAMC2 3918 rs525410 6.00E-07 PV
21347282 Coronary heart disease LAMC2 3918 rs1028771 4.00E-06 PV
23844046 C-reactive protein LEPR 3953 rs10889569 9.00E-09 PV
23563609 Obesity (early onset extreme) LEPR 3953 rs11208659 2.00E-09 PV
22939635 C-reactive protein LEPR 3953 rs1805096 2.00E-09 PV
20167575 Soluble leptin receptor levels LEPR 3953 rs1751492 6.00E-13 PV
19567438 C-reactive protein LEPR 3953 rs6700896 3.00E-14 PV
22581228 Fasting glucose-related traits (interaction with BMI) MADD 8567 rs7944584 4.00E-12 PV
21873549 Proinsulin levels MADD 8567 rs10501320 1.00E-88 PV
21873549 Proinsulin levels MADD 8567 rs10838687 7.00E-12 PV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis MANBA 4126 rs228614 1.00E-07 PV
22949513 Epilepsy (generalized) MAST4 375449 rs39861 3.00E-07 PV
20009918 Carotid atherosclerosis in HIV infection MAST4 375449 rs1697137 2.00E-06 PV
23572186 Bone mineral density MEF2C 4208 rs11951031 9.00E-09 PV
23400010 Thiazide-induced adverse metabolic effects in hypertensive patients MEF2C 4208 rs17560407 5.00E-07 PV
22139419 Mean platelet volume MEF2C 4208 rs4521516 2.00E-09 PV
22139419 Platelet counts MEF2C 4208 rs700585 1.00E-09 PV
17903302 Tonometry MEF2C 4208 rs770189 3.00E-06 PV
22001756 Dengue shock syndrome MICB 4277 rs3132468 4.00E-11 PV
21946350 Pulmonary function MICB 4277 rs2855812 2.00E-07 PV
23555189 PCA3 expression level MSMB 4477 rs10993994 1.00E-09 PV
23583980 Interstitial lung disease MUC2 4583 rs7934606 7.00E-34 PV
20395239 Optic disc size (rim) MYH9 4627 rs735854 9.00E-06 PV
22916037 Metabolite levels MYO1E 4643 rs2306786 1.00E-10 PV
24047820 Social communication problems MYO1E 4643 rs4218 1.00E-07 PV
23534349 PR interval MYO3A 53904 rs16926523 4.00E-06 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits MYO3A 53904 rs12764197 6.00E-06 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits MYO3A 53904 rs2096176 5.00E-06 PV
21130836 Information processing speed MYRIP 25924 rs9985399 9.00E-06 PV
17903308 Sleep duration MYRIP 25924 rs6599077 1.00E-07 PV
24026423 Mean platelet volume NFE2 4778 rs10506328 2.00E-09 PV
23934736 Metabolite levels (X-11787) NRG1 3084 rs1487141 3.00E-06 PV
23870195 Coronary artery calcification NRG1 3084 rs1462872 9.00E-06 PV
23408906 Thyroid hormone levels NRG1 3084 rs7825175 3.00E-09 PV
22267200 Thyroid cancer NRG1 3084 rs2439302 2.00E-09 PV
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality NRG1 3084 rs2439312 7.00E-06 PV
19196962 Hirschsprung's disease NRG1 3084 rs16879552 2.00E-08 PV
17903296 Hip geometry NRG1 3084 rs10503887 2.00E-07 PV
21943158 Cardiovascular disease risk factors OASL 8638 rs3213545 4.00E-15 PV
20581827 Type 2 diabetes OASL 8638 rs7957197 2.00E-08 PV
22699663 Periodontal microbiota OTOF 9381 rs1011108 2.00E-06 PV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease PARK7 11315 rs35675666 1.00E-15 PV
21658281 Sudden cardiac arrest PARP4 143 rs9581094 7.00E-07 PV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) PARVB 29780 rs75617873 5.00E-07 PV
22719876 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease PARVB 29780 rs2073080 8.00E-07 PV
19060906 HDL cholesterol PCIF1 63935 rs7679 4.00E-09 PV
24068947 Relative hand skill in reading disability PCSK6 5046 rs7182874 9.00E-09 PV
21051773 Handedness in dyslexia PCSK6 5046 rs11855415 2.00E-08 PV
22286219 Metabolite levels PHF23 79142 rs117616209 3.00E-14 PV
23666240 Testicular germ cell tumor PITX1 5307 rs3805663 2.00E-08 PV
24097068 Cholesterol, total PPARA 5465 rs4253772 1.00E-08 PV
22446961 Kawasaki disease PPM1L 151742 rs9290065 9.00E-06 PV
22387998 Duodenal ulcer PSCA 8000 rs2294008 2.00E-33 PV
22959728 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (age of onset) PTPRF 5792 rs2819332 5.00E-06 PV
23974872 Schizophrenia QPCT 25797 rs2373000 7.00E-09 PV
20189936 Height QSOX2 169714 rs12338076 2.00E-08 PV
22542470 Immune response to smallpox vaccine (IL-6) RAB10 10890 rs13388915 8.00E-06 PV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-1beta) RAB6B 51560 rs9835973 7.00E-08 PV
20418489 Type 2 diabetes RBMS1 5937 rs7593730 4.00E-08 PV
24026423 Platelet counts RCL1 10171 rs423955 1.00E-09 PV
23263863 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin RCL1 10171 rs10815094 5.00E-06 PV
23263863 Mean corpuscular volume RCL1 10171 rs2236496 2.00E-07 PV
23263863 Platelet counts RCL1 10171 rs457287 1.00E-06 PV
22139419 Platelet counts RCL1 10171 rs13300663 1.00E-29 PV
19862010 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin RCL1 10171 rs10758658 2.00E-14 PV
23028342 Type 1 diabetes nephropathy RNF10 9921 rs614226 2.00E-06 PV
20686608 Pancreatic cancer RNF43 54894 rs2257205 8.00E-06 PV
22267201 Menopause (age at onset) RNF44 22838 rs890835 6.00E-06 PV
20881960 Height RYBP 23429 rs9863706 4.00E-13 PV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis SAE1 10055 rs307896 5.00E-07 PV
23144326 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related biomarkers SFTPD 6441 rs7078012 5.00E-09 PV
23563607 Obesity SH2B1 25970 rs7498665 3.00E-13 PV
20935630 Body mass index SH2B1 25970 rs7359397 2.00E-20 PV
22951594 Breast cancer SIAH2 6478 rs6788895 9.00E-08 PV
23817569 Self-reported allergy SMAD3 4088 rs17228058 1.00E-08 PV
23291589 Corneal structure SMAD3 4088 rs12913547 5.00E-10 PV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease SMAD3 4088 rs17293632 6.00E-16 PV
20860503 Asthma SMAD3 4088 rs744910 4.00E-09 PV
17634449 Coronary heart disease SMAD3 4088 rs17228212 2.00E-07 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits SP110 3431 rs13010639 6.00E-06 PV
18937294 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (time to onset) SULF2 55959 rs4810685 7.00E-06 PV
24097068 HDL cholesterol TBL2 26608 rs17145738 5.00E-13 PV
23505323 Hypertriglyceridemia TBL2 26608 rs2286276 2.00E-06 PV
23251661 Obesity-related traits TCFL5 10732 rs17854409 9.00E-06 PV
21076409 Ventricular conduction TKT 7086 rs4687718 6.00E-09 PV
23652523 Helicobacter pylori serologic status TLR10 81793 rs10004195 1.00E-18 PV
23936387 Celiac disease TPTE 7179 rs10439884 2.00E-06 PV
21452313 Rheumatoid arthritis TRHDE 29953 rs12831974 6.00E-06 PV
21654844 Multiple sclerosis TRIM2 23321 rs12644284 4.00E-06 PV
21886157 Metabolic traits TRIM4 89122 rs17277546 9.00E-40 PV
19721433 Response to antipsychotic treatment TRPM1 4308 rs17815774 3.00E-06 PV
23793025 Migraine TRPM8 79054 rs6741751 9.00E-14 PV
22683712 Migraine TRPM8 79054 rs10166942 1.00E-12 PV
23817569 Self-reported allergy TTC6 319089 rs1998359 5.00E-08 PV
21810271 vWF and FVIII levels VAV2 7410 rs12344583 8.00E-06 PV
20598377 Multiple sclerosis VAV2 7410 rs3780792 1.00E-06 PV
22960999 Esophageal cancer (squamous cell) XBP1 7494 rs2239815 4.00E-15 PV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-1beta) XKR4 114786 rs12542677 2.00E-07 PV
22719876 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease YIPF1 54432 rs11206226 5.00E-06 PV
20881960 Height ZMIZ1 57178 rs7916441 6.00E-10 PV
23563607 Height ZMIZ1 57178 rs780151 2.00E-09 PV
23535729 Breast cancer ZMIZ1 57178 rs704010 7.00E-22 PV
23453885 Autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia (combined) ZMIZ1 57178 rs703970 5.00E-06 PV
22482804 Crohn's disease and psoriasis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250544 7.00E-14 PV
22190364 Multiple sclerosis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250542 4.00E-07 PV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250550 6.00E-09 PV
20526339 Vitiligo ZMIZ1 57178 rs11593576 8.00E-07 PV
20190752 Celiac disease ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250552 9.00E-10 PV
19525953 Multiple sclerosis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250540 2.00E-06 PV