Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Analysis
Total number of results for Influenza A virus for GWAS analysis are 404. The entries include disease host genes alongwith gene ID and SNP ID
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
23251661 Obesity-related traits AATK 9625 rs7220048 9.00E-06 IAV
24024966 Periodontitis (CDC/AAP) ACTN2 88 rs12048046 3.00E-06 IAV
22990015 Stroke (pediatric) ADAMTS2 9509 rs469568 8.00E-06 IAV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI ADAMTS2 9509 rs901254 9.00E-06 IAV
18937294 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (time to onset) ADAMTS2 9509 rs10039254 8.00E-06 IAV
23599027 Menarche (age at onset) AKT3 10000 rs320320 5.00E-06 IAV
20031603 RR interval (heart rate) AKT3 10000 rs4132509 2.00E-06 IAV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis ALPK2 115701 rs12456021 4.00E-06 IAV
22139419 Mean platelet volume AP2B1 163 rs16971217 4.00E-12 IAV
22566498 Response to angiotensin II receptor blocker therapy APBB1IP 54518 rs2992257 3.00E-07 IAV
22228203 Inflammatory biomarkers APBB1IP 54518 rs786870 5.00E-07 IAV
23989729 Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis APOA1 335 rs12721025 2.00E-10 IAV
24023260 Lipid traits APOA5 116519 rs662799 6.00E-24 IAV
22286219 Lipid metabolism phenotypes APOA5 116519 rs651821 8.00E-20 IAV
21782286 Aging (time to event) ATCAY 85300 rs10412199 3.00E-06 IAV
23128233 Crohn's disease ATG16L1 55054 rs12994997 4.00E-70 IAV
18587394 Crohn's disease ATG16L1 55054 rs3828309 2.00E-32 IAV
17554300 Crohn's disease ATG16L1 55054 rs10210302 5.00E-14 IAV
20038947 Major depressive disorder (broad) ATP6V1B2 526 rs1106634 7.00E-07 IAV
22542470 Immune response to smallpox vaccine (IL-6) BCR 613 rs9608102 8.00E-06 IAV
18391951 Height BCR 613 rs5751614 6.00E-06 IAV
20732626 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder BMPR1B 658 rs1859156 2.00E-06 IAV
23263486 Urate levels BMPR2 659 rs12468226 3.00E-06 IAV
19010793 Multiple sclerosis (severity) C1GALT1 56913 rs10259085 4.00E-06 IAV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) CACNA1G 8913 rs117964204 1.00E-09 IAV
21926972 Bipolar disorder CACNB3 784 rs2070615 1.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits CADM1 23705 rs220836 6.00E-06 IAV
23563607 Obesity CADM2 253559 rs13078807 3.00E-11 IAV
22589738 Visceral fat CADM2 253559 rs13323436 3.00E-06 IAV
19165232 Panic disorder CALCOCO1 57658 rs941184 3.00E-07 IAV
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality CALM2 805 rs815815 7.00E-07 IAV
23989986 Osteoarthritis (hip) CAMK2B 816 rs3757837 8.00E-10 IAV
22399527 Metabolic syndrome CAMK2B 816 rs1127065 9.00E-11 IAV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis CD58 965 rs1335532 3.00E-16 IAV
21471979 Large B-cell lymphoma CDC42BPB 9578 rs751837 3.00E-07 IAV
23958962 Cocaine dependence CDK1 983 rs2456778 5.00E-06 IAV
23273568 Systemic lupus erythematosus CDKN1B 1027 rs34330 5.00E-12 IAV
18957941 Personality dimensions CLOCK 9575 rs6832769 2.00E-06 IAV
24162737 Alzheimer's disease (late onset) CLU 1191 rs9331896 3.00E-25 IAV
21460841 Alzheimer's disease (late onset) CLU 1191 rs1532278 8.00E-08 IAV
19734902 Alzheimer's disease CLU 1191 rs11136000 9.00E-10 IAV
23049088 Myopia (pathological) CNTN5 53942 rs12803066 4.00E-06 IAV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-2) CNTN5 53942 rs11223581 9.00E-09 IAV
17903304 Atrial fibrillation CNTN5 53942 rs10501920 9.00E-06 IAV
17903297 Volumetric brain MRI CNTN5 53942 rs952700 6.00E-06 IAV
17903305 Breast cancer COL1A1 1277 rs2075555 8.00E-08 IAV
23263863 Platelet counts COPZ1 22818 rs4326844 5.00E-08 IAV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) CRADD 8738 rs61144803 5.00E-08 IAV
23273568 Systemic lupus erythematosus CREBL2 1389 rs12822507 2.00E-08 IAV
22504419 Head circumference (infant) CRHR1 1394 rs11655470 4.00E-06 IAV
19801982 Bone mineral density (hip) CRHR1 1394 rs9303521 4.00E-06 IAV
21642993 Esophageal cancer CSNK1A1 1452 rs10058728 5.00E-09 IAV
17903305 Prostate cancer CTDSPL 10217 rs9311171 2.00E-06 IAV
24025145 Adverse response to chemotherapy in breast cancer (alopecia) (cyclophosphamide+doxorubicin+/-5FU) CTH 1491 rs672203 2.00E-06 IAV
17903296 Bone mineral density CTNNBL1 56259 rs4811196 1.00E-06 IAV
23535033 Alzheimer's disease (cognitive decline) CYCS 54205 rs1861525 2.00E-07 IAV
24001895 Blood pressure CYP17A1 1586 rs3824755 1.00E-06 IAV
20010834 Pulmonary function DAAM2 23500 rs2395730 8.00E-08 IAV
23934736 Metabolite levels (Pyroglutamine) DAP 1611 rs3756407 5.00E-06 IAV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease DAP 1611 rs2930047 1.00E-08 IAV
21297633 Ulcerative colitis DAP 1611 rs267939 6.00E-12 IAV
23535911 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease DCLK1 9201 rs2051090 7.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits DCLK1 9201 rs12428086 5.00E-06 IAV
21998595 Height DCLK1 9201 rs6563210 7.00E-07 IAV
20548946 Vertical cup-disc ratio DCLK1 9201 rs1926320 1.00E-08 IAV
24133439 Social autistic-like traits DCLK2 166614 rs11947645 1.00E-06 IAV
24159190 Serum dimethylarginine levels (asymmetric) DDAH1 23576 rs28489187 1.00E-40 IAV
24159190 Serum dimethylarginine levels (symmetric) DDAH1 23576 rs1884139 1.00E-18 IAV
24068962 Calcium levels DGKD 8527 rs1550532 8.00E-11 IAV
20705733 Calcium levels DGKD 8527 rs838705 9.00E-06 IAV
22438815 Parkinson's disease DGKQ 1609 rs11248060 3.00E-12 IAV
23408906 Thyroid hormone levels DIO1 1733 rs2235544 8.00E-32 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits DLG2 1740 rs2116483 8.00E-06 IAV
22544364 Wilms tumor DLG2 1740 rs790356 4.00E-15 IAV
22359512 Phospholipid levels (plasma) DLG2 1740 rs17148090 4.00E-08 IAV
18464913 Protein quantitative trait loci DLG2 1740 rs3885683 8.00E-06 IAV
17052657 Parkinson's disease DLG2 1740 rs10501570 7.00E-06 IAV
22001757 Liver enzyme levels (gamma-glutamyl transferase) DLG5 9231 rs754466 6.00E-10 IAV
22041458 Response to antidepressant treatment DMD 1756 rs16990008 2.00E-06 IAV
23583980 Interstitial lung disease DSP 1832 rs2076295 1.00E-19 IAV
22472876 Major depressive disorder DVL3 1857 rs1969253 5.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits DYNC1I1 1780 rs1488515 1.00E-06 IAV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-10) DYNC1I1 1780 rs13231718 5.00E-09 IAV
21531791 Glioma EGFR 1956 rs11979158 7.00E-08 IAV
22327514 Ewing sarcoma EGR2 1959 rs224278 4.00E-17 IAV
21685912 Progressive supranuclear palsy EIF2AK3 9451 rs7571971 4.00E-13 IAV
20881960 Height EIF2AK3 9451 rs11684404 1.00E-13 IAV
22969067 Corneal curvature EIF2AK4 440275 rs2250402 6.00E-06 IAV
20800221 Depression (quantitative trait) EIF3F 8665 rs12420464 3.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits ETS1 2113 rs7117932 8.00E-06 IAV
20190752 Celiac disease ETS1 2113 rs11221332 5.00E-16 IAV
20169177 Systemic lupus erythematosus ETS1 2113 rs1128334 2.00E-11 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits EXT1 2131 rs7459527 2.00E-06 IAV
19893584 Height EXT1 2131 rs11989122 6.00E-06 IAV
23381943 End-stage coagulation F13A1 2162 rs5985 3.00E-186 IAV
23381943 End-stage coagulation F13A1 2162 rs3024321 8.00E-142 IAV
21116278 MRI atrophy measures F13A1 2162 rs749005 3.00E-07 IAV
22139419 Mean platelet volume F2R 2149 rs2227831 1.00E-15 IAV
22001757 Liver enzyme levels (alkaline phosphatase) FADS2 9415 rs174601 3.00E-09 IAV
21829377 Phospholipid levels (plasma) FADS2 9415 rs1535 3.00E-63 IAV
21829377 Phospholipid levels (plasma) FADS2 9415 rs174574 4.00E-55 IAV
20339536 Response to statin therapy FADS2 9415 rs174583 3.00E-06 IAV
19060911 Cholesterol, total FADS2 9415 rs174570 2.00E-10 IAV
20966902 Height FASTKD2 22868 rs2277912 5.00E-06 IAV
23652523 Helicobacter pylori serologic status FCGR2A 2212 rs368433 2.00E-08 IAV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease FCGR2A 2212 rs1801274 2.00E-38 IAV
21784300 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder FERMT3 83706 rs12575642 1.00E-06 IAV
24143190 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs2981578 1.00E-12 IAV
23535729 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs2981579 2.00E-170 IAV
23354978 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs1078806 2.00E-06 IAV
22951594 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs3750817 8.00E-08 IAV
21263130 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs1219648 1.00E-30 IAV
21060860 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs2981575 1.00E-08 IAV
17529967 Breast cancer FGFR2 2263 rs2981582 2.00E-76 IAV
23583979 Heart rate FNDC3B 64778 rs9647379 1.00E-09 IAV
23563607 Height FNDC3B 64778 rs4535251 4.00E-16 IAV
23291589 Corneal structure FNDC3B 64778 rs4894535 5.00E-12 IAV
24097068 Cholesterol, total FRK 2444 rs9488822 1.00E-09 IAV
23263486 Urate levels FRK 2444 rs1933737 7.00E-07 IAV
23696099 Red blood cell traits G6PD 2539 rs1050828 4.00E-13 IAV
23446634 Red blood cell traits G6PD 2539 rs762516 2.00E-16 IAV
18985386 Parkinson's disease (familial) GAK 2580 rs1564282 7.00E-07 IAV
20711177 Parkinson's disease GAK 2580 rs11248051 3.00E-09 IAV
23128233 Ulcerative colitis GNA12 2768 rs798502 6.00E-17 IAV
20881960 Height GNA12 2768 rs798489 2.00E-33 IAV
20189936 Height GNA12 2768 rs798497 7.00E-07 IAV
19343178 Height GNA12 2768 rs1182188 3.00E-09 IAV
22542470 Immune response to smallpox vaccine (IL-6) GOLGA3 2802 rs12282 3.00E-07 IAV
21107309 Working memory GPR137B 7107 rs7520258 5.00E-07 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits GRK5 2869 rs1397615 2.00E-06 IAV
22961080 Type 2 diabetes GRK5 2869 rs10886471 7.00E-09 IAV
24097068 HDL cholesterol GSK3B 2932 rs6805251 1.00E-08 IAV
20694148 Metabolic syndrome HERPUD1 9709 rs2217332 3.00E-06 IAV
22087292 Femoral neck bone geometry HK2 3099 rs681900 3.00E-06 IAV
23417110 Beta-2 microglubulin plasma levels HLA-B 3106 rs2523608 9.00E-09 IAV
22139419 Platelet counts HLA-B 3106 rs3819299 9.00E-10 IAV
19525953 Multiple sclerosis HLA-F-AS1 285830 rs2523393 1.00E-17 IAV
23704328 Primary tooth development (number of teeth) HMGA2 8091 rs17101923 1.00E-10 IAV
23563607 Height HMGA2 8091 rs1351394 7.00E-32 IAV
23202124 Birth weight HMGA2 8091 rs1042725 1.00E-19 IAV
22885925 Polycystic ovary syndrome HMGA2 8091 rs2272046 2.00E-21 IAV
22504417 Brain structure HMGA2 8091 rs10784502 1.00E-12 IAV
21998595 Height HMGA2 8091 rs7979673 7.00E-10 IAV
20397748 Height HMGA2 8091 rs8756 4.00E-07 IAV
24097068 Cholesterol, total HMGCR 3156 rs12916 5.00E-74 IAV
21909109 Metabolite levels HMGCR 3156 rs12654264 1.00E-20 IAV
19197348 Quantitative traits HMGCR 3156 rs3846663 1.00E-06 IAV
19060911 Cholesterol, total HMGCR 3156 rs3846662 3.00E-19 IAV
21107309 Reasoning HUNK 30811 rs2833556 5.00E-07 IAV
21533024 Soluble ICAM-1 ICAM1 3383 rs1799969 1.00E-120 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits IFI16 3428 rs861318 1.00E-06 IAV
21383967 Celiac disease and Rheumatoid arthritis IFI16 3428 rs1772408 8.00E-07 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits IFNGR2 3460 rs2268241 5.00E-06 IAV
23128233 Crohn's disease IFNGR2 3460 rs2284553 2.00E-16 IAV
22936669 Crohn's disease IFNGR2 3460 rs2834215 3.00E-07 IAV
23740937 Systemic lupus erythematosus and Systemic sclerosis IKZF3 22806 rs9303277 7.00E-06 IAV
19458352 Primary biliary cirrhosis IKZF3 22806 rs907092 8.00E-06 IAV
24182552 Inflammatory biomarkers IL1F10 84639 rs6743376 2.00E-26 IAV
18464913 Protein quantitative trait loci IL1F10 84639 rs6761276 7.00E-06 IAV
20966902 Waist circumference IL1RAP 3556 rs9290936 4.00E-06 IAV
18385676 Lung cancer IL1RAP 3556 rs7626795 8.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits IL1RN 3557 rs4252023 2.00E-06 IAV
23128233 Inflammatory bowel disease IL27 246778 rs26528 1.00E-21 IAV
23472165 Endometriosis IL33 90865 rs10975519 9.00E-07 IAV
23362303 Oleic acid (18:1n-9) plasma levels IL5RA 3568 rs334809 1.00E-06 IAV
22542470 Immune response to smallpox vaccine (IL-6) IL5RA 3568 rs3804795 1.00E-06 IAV
22359512 Phospholipid levels (plasma) ILKAP 80895 rs12472274 2.00E-08 IAV
23092984 Bipolar disorder (mood-incongruent) INPP4A 3631 rs12617721 7.00E-06 IAV
20010835 Pulmonary function INTS12 57117 rs11727189 5.00E-17 IAV
22139419 Platelet counts IRF1 3659 rs2070729 1.00E-10 IAV
22863734 Orofacial clefts IRF6 3664 rs861020 3.00E-12 IAV
23314186 Monocyte count IRF8 3394 rs424971 3.00E-16 IAV
21131588 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia IRF8 3394 rs391525 3.00E-09 IAV
18587394 Crohn's disease ITLN1 55600 rs2274910 1.00E-09 IAV
22139419 Platelet counts ITPK1 3705 rs8006385 1.00E-10 IAV
17827064 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ITPR2 3709 rs2306677 3.00E-06 IAV
23266558 Crohn's disease JAK2 3717 rs2274471 5.00E-06 IAV
19287384 Myeloproliferative neoplasms JAK2 3717 rs10974944 4.00E-20 IAV
22504418 Intracranial volume KANSL1 284058 rs9303525 8.00E-15 IAV
19056611 Type 2 diabetes KCNJ11 3767 rs5219 5.00E-07 IAV
18372903 Type 2 diabetes KCNJ11 3767 rs5215 4.00E-07 IAV
20881960 Height KCNJ12 3768 rs4640244 2.00E-08 IAV
21708048 Obesity KCNMA1 3778 rs2116830 3.00E-10 IAV
21102462 Menarche (age at onset) KDM3B 51780 rs757647 5.00E-08 IAV
24024966 Periodontitis (CDC/AAP) KDM4B 23030 rs11673509 6.00E-06 IAV
19451621 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis KIFAP3 22920 rs1541160 2.00E-08 IAV
23472165 Endometriosis KSR2 283455 rs10431397 7.00E-06 IAV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI KSR2 283455 rs4304868 8.00E-06 IAV
19260141 Biochemical measures KSR2 283455 rs10444502 6.00E-06 IAV
19260141 Biochemical measures KSR2 283455 rs4767631 6.00E-07 IAV
20972440 Colorectal cancer LAMA5 3911 rs4925386 2.00E-10 IAV
23844046 C-reactive protein LEPR 3953 rs10889569 9.00E-09 IAV
23563609 Obesity (early onset extreme) LEPR 3953 rs11208659 2.00E-09 IAV
22939635 C-reactive protein LEPR 3953 rs1805096 2.00E-09 IAV
20167575 Soluble leptin receptor levels LEPR 3953 rs1751492 6.00E-13 IAV
19567438 C-reactive protein LEPR 3953 rs6700896 3.00E-14 IAV
23408906 Thyroid hormone levels LHX3 8022 rs7860634 2.00E-14 IAV
21606135 Coronary heart disease LIPA 3988 rs1412444 4.00E-08 IAV
24024966 Periodontitis (CDC/AAP) LRP1B 53353 rs72899866 5.00E-06 IAV
21102462 Menarche (age at onset) LRP1B 53353 rs12472911 2.00E-07 IAV
20932654 Erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer treatment LRP1B 53353 rs10210358 2.00E-06 IAV
20395239 Optic disc size (disc) LRP1B 53353 rs491391 3.00E-07 IAV
19367585 Aging LRP1B 53353 rs12474609 6.00E-09 IAV
23291589 Corneal structure LRRK1 79705 rs930847 6.00E-19 IAV
22581228 Fasting glucose-related traits (interaction with BMI) MADD 8567 rs7944584 4.00E-12 IAV
21873549 Proinsulin levels MADD 8567 rs10501320 1.00E-88 IAV
21873549 Proinsulin levels MADD 8567 rs10838687 7.00E-12 IAV
23945395 Type 2 diabetes MAEA 10296 rs6815464 2.00E-07 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits MAEA 10296 rs13108904 2.00E-06 IAV
19668339 Hippocampal atrophy MAL2 114569 rs1364705 9.00E-06 IAV
23563607 Obesity MAP2K5 5607 rs8028313 6.00E-13 IAV
22344219 Body mass index MAP2K5 5607 rs4776970 2.00E-09 IAV
21779176 Restless legs syndrome MAP2K5 5607 rs12593813 1.00E-22 IAV
20935630 Body mass index MAP2K5 5607 rs2241423 1.00E-18 IAV
21107309 Reasoning MAP3K9 4293 rs17108533 1.00E-06 IAV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis MAPK1 5594 rs2283792 5.00E-09 IAV
23572186 Bone mineral density MEF2C 4208 rs11951031 9.00E-09 IAV
23400010 Thiazide-induced adverse metabolic effects in hypertensive patients MEF2C 4208 rs17560407 5.00E-07 IAV
22139419 Mean platelet volume MEF2C 4208 rs4521516 2.00E-09 IAV
22139419 Platelet counts MEF2C 4208 rs700585 1.00E-09 IAV
17903302 Tonometry MEF2C 4208 rs770189 3.00E-06 IAV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI MICA 100507436 rs12175489 2.00E-06 IAV
21653640 Rheumatoid arthritis MICA 100507436 rs1063635 1.00E-17 IAV
21499248 Hepatocellular carcinoma MICA 100507436 rs2596542 4.00E-13 IAV
20881960 Height MICA 100507436 rs2256183 8.00E-29 IAV
23534349 PR interval MICAL2 9645 rs1994318 2.00E-06 IAV
22881374 Alzheimer's disease (late onset) MPZL1 9019 rs4145462 1.00E-06 IAV
23824729 Homocysteine levels MTR 4548 rs2275565 2.00E-10 IAV
23551011 Preeclampsia MYCBP2 23077 rs7322722 1.00E-06 IAV
20395239 Optic disc size (rim) MYH9 4627 rs735854 9.00E-06 IAV
22675492 Testosterone levels MYOCD 93649 rs9905820 4.00E-06 IAV
23533358 Addiction NCK2 8440 rs2377339 1.00E-11 IAV
23958962 Cocaine dependence NCOR2 9612 rs150954431 5.00E-07 IAV
23648065 Adverse response to chemotherapy (neutropenia/leucopenia) (all antimetabolite drugs) NCOR2 9612 rs12582168 9.00E-06 IAV
19734545 Cognitive performance NCOR2 9612 rs12423712 7.00E-06 IAV
20935630 Body mass index NFE2L1 4779 rs3764400 4.00E-07 IAV
23128233 Ulcerative colitis NFKB1 4790 rs3774959 4.00E-12 IAV
22479419 Schizophrenia (treatment refractory) NFKB1 4790 rs230529 2.00E-07 IAV
23028356 Rheumatoid arthritis NFKBIE 4794 rs2233434 1.00E-15 IAV
23563609 Obesity (early onset extreme) NINJ1 4814 rs2275848 1.00E-06 IAV
23128233 Crohn's disease NOD2 64127 rs2066847 6.00E-209 IAV
22412388 Crohn's disease NOD2 64127 rs2076756 1.00E-37 IAV
18758464 Inflammatory bowel disease NOD2 64127 rs5743289 4.00E-10 IAV
17554300 Crohn's disease NOD2 64127 rs17221417 4.00E-11 IAV
23297363 Tetralogy of Fallot NRP1 8829 rs2228638 2.00E-07 IAV
21909110 Blood pressure NT5C2 22978 rs11191593 1.00E-15 IAV
23453885 Autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia (combined) NT5C2 22978 rs11191580 1.00E-08 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits NUP153 9972 rs2274136 3.00E-06 IAV
18391951 Height NUP153 9972 rs12199222 7.00E-07 IAV
21623375 Paget's disease NUP205 23165 rs4294134 8.00E-10 IAV
23934736 Metabolite levels (Dihydroxy docosatrienoic acid) NUP98 4928 rs685782 7.00E-06 IAV
21943158 Cardiovascular disease risk factors OASL 8638 rs3213545 4.00E-15 IAV
20581827 Type 2 diabetes OASL 8638 rs7957197 2.00E-08 IAV
23704328 Primary tooth development (number of teeth) OPN1SW 611 rs1799922 4.00E-09 IAV
22747683 Breast size OSBPL6 114880 rs34479159 6.00E-06 IAV
21116278 Total ventricular volume PAK2 5062 rs2084385 5.00E-06 IAV
22456796 Type 2 diabetes PALM2 114299 rs1327796 3.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits PANK4 55229 rs12073504 5.00E-06 IAV
20881960 Height PCCB 5096 rs9844666 4.00E-09 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits PCF11 51585 rs1943345 7.00E-06 IAV
21149283 Iron status biomarkers PCSK7 9159 rs236918 1.00E-27 IAV
22144915 Corneal astigmatism PDGFRA 5156 rs7677751 8.00E-09 IAV
23921680 Allergic dermatitis (nickel) PELI1 57162 rs6733160 7.00E-06 IAV
21221998 Kawasaki disease PELI1 57162 rs7604693 2.00E-06 IAV
24105470 Adiponectin levels PEPD 5184 rs889140 4.00E-12 IAV
24097068 HDL cholesterol PEPD 5184 rs731839 3.00E-09 IAV
22581228 Fasting insulin-related traits (interaction with BMI) PEPD 5184 rs8182584 9.00E-08 IAV
22479202 Adiponectin levels PEPD 5184 rs4805885 2.00E-08 IAV
22158537 Type 2 diabetes PEPD 5184 rs3786897 1.00E-08 IAV
23817569 Self-reported allergy PEX14 5195 rs2056417 4.00E-07 IAV
23535733 Breast cancer PEX14 5195 rs616488 1.00E-08 IAV
20395239 Optic disc size (rim) PEX14 5195 rs12741973 7.00E-06 IAV
23222517 Red blood cell traits PIEZO1 9780 rs10445033 2.00E-22 IAV
22286219 Lipid metabolism phenotypes PLTP 5360 rs6065904 2.00E-31 IAV
23049088 Myopia (pathological) PML 5371 rs8039584 5.00E-08 IAV
21623375 Paget's disease PML 5371 rs5742915 2.00E-14 IAV
22634755 Colorectal cancer POLD3 10714 rs3824999 4.00E-10 IAV
22889924 Tourette syndrome POLR3B 55703 rs6539267 6.00E-06 IAV
24097068 Cholesterol, total PPARA 5465 rs4253772 1.00E-08 IAV
23453885 Autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia (combined) PPP2R2B 5521 rs609412 2.00E-06 IAV
19581569 Alcohol dependence PPP2R2B 5521 rs1864982 3.00E-06 IAV
20663923 Autism PPP2R5C 5527 rs7142002 3.00E-06 IAV
23263486 Urate levels PRKAG2 51422 rs10480300 4.00E-09 IAV
21305692 Bipolar disorder (age of onset and psychomotor symptoms) PRKAG2 51422 rs7795096 2.00E-06 IAV
20383146 Chronic kidney disease PRKAG2 51422 rs7805747 4.00E-12 IAV
19862010 Hematocrit PRKAG2 51422 rs10224002 6.00E-15 IAV
23870195 Coronary artery calcification PRKCA 5578 rs11651708 3.00E-06 IAV
23726511 Post-traumatic stress disorder (asjusted for relatedness) PRKCA 5578 rs7207499 5.00E-06 IAV
22021425 Height PRKCA 5578 rs3889237 3.00E-08 IAV
21076409 Ventricular conduction PRKCA 5578 rs9912468 1.00E-08 IAV
23472185 Multiple sclerosis (OCB status) PRKRA 8575 rs9283487 3.00E-07 IAV
23092984 Bipolar disorder (mood-incongruent) PRSS35 167681 rs1171113 1.00E-07 IAV
22412388 Crohn's disease PSMB10 5699 rs11574514 2.00E-07 IAV
19820697 Hematological parameters PTPN11 5781 rs11066301 8.00E-12 IAV
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality PTPRM 5797 rs8098064 4.00E-06 IAV
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality PTPRM 5797 rs7243299 8.00E-06 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits RAB17 64284 rs2292873 8.00E-06 IAV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-1beta) RAB6B 51560 rs9835973 7.00E-08 IAV
23251661 Obesity-related traits RBBP6 5930 rs7195386 9.00E-06 IAV
24097068 HDL cholesterol RBM5 10181 rs2013208 9.00E-12 IAV
19196962 Hirschsprung's disease RET 5979 rs2742234 4.00E-18 IAV
22843503 Resistin levels RETN 56729 rs3745367 3.00E-06 IAV
20395239 Optic disc size (cup) RFTN1 23180 rs690037 2.00E-07 IAV
20018961 Leprosy RIPK2 8767 rs42490 1.00E-16 IAV
23412934 Multiple sclerosis RNASEL 6041 rs533259 6.00E-09 IAV
23144326 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related biomarkers RNF150 57484 rs10007052 1.00E-07 IAV
22267201 Menopause (age at onset) RNF44 22838 rs890835 6.00E-06 IAV
22589738 Visceral adipose tissue/subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio RPS14 6208 rs13177918 8.00E-06 IAV
23259602 Dental caries RPS6KA2 6196 rs635808 1.00E-07 IAV
22019778 Leprosy RPS6KA4 8986 rs538147 7.00E-06 IAV
22504420 Bone mineral density RPS6KA5 9252 rs1286083 2.00E-15 IAV
23563607 Obesity RPTOR 57521 rs7503807 2.00E-08 IAV
23551011 Preeclampsia RUNX1 861 rs9976946 5.00E-06 IAV
22542470 Immune response to smallpox vaccine (IL-6) RUNX1 861 rs2834655 5.00E-07 IAV
21829377 Phospholipid levels (plasma) RUNX1 861 rs9983044 2.00E-07 IAV
21642993 Esophageal cancer RUNX1 861 rs2014300 8.00E-22 IAV
21368711 Personality dimensions RXRG 6258 rs285480 4.00E-07 IAV
21102462 Menarche (age at onset) RXRG 6258 rs466639 1.00E-13 IAV
19754311 AIDS RXRG 6258 rs10800098 4.00E-06 IAV
20881960 Height RYBP 23429 rs9863706 4.00E-13 IAV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis SAE1 10055 rs307896 5.00E-07 IAV
22719876 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease SAMM50 25813 rs2143571 6.00E-07 IAV
20585324 Conduct disorder (symptom count) SELPLG 6404 rs8179116 3.00E-06 IAV
22990020 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 levels (PAI-1) SERPINE1 5054 rs2227631 3.00E-24 IAV
23300278 Type 2 diabetes SGCG 6445 rs9552911 2.00E-08 IAV
23192594 Body mass index (interaction) SGK1 6446 rs1763500 2.00E-06 IAV
22610502 Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IFN-alpha) SGK1 6446 rs9493873 4.00E-07 IAV
22951594 Breast cancer SIAH2 6478 rs6788895 9.00E-08 IAV
18193046 Triglycerides SIK3 23387 rs2075292 5.00E-08 IAV
20139978 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration SLC12A7 10723 rs4580814 5.00E-10 IAV
22581228 Fasting glucose-related traits (interaction with BMI) SLC2A2 6514 rs11920090 8.00E-11 IAV
22001757 Liver enzyme levels (gamma-glutamyl transferase) SLC2A2 6514 rs10513686 6.00E-11 IAV
23535729 Breast cancer SLC4A7 9497 rs4973768 2.00E-30 IAV
22589738 Subcutaneous adipose tissue SMAD6 4091 rs11858577 9.00E-06 IAV
23266556 Colorectal cancer SMAD7 4092 rs4939827 2.00E-10 IAV
23222517 Red blood cell traits SMOC1 64093 rs11627546 1.00E-09 IAV
22482804 Crohn's disease and psoriasis SOCS1 8651 rs4780355 1.00E-13 IAV
24162737 Alzheimer's disease (late onset) SORL1 6653 rs11218343 1.00E-14 IAV
21216879 Insulin-like growth factors SPOCK2 9806 rs1245541 5.00E-07 IAV
24097068 HDL cholesterol STAB1 23166 rs13326165 9.00E-11 IAV
24025145 Adverse response to chemotherapy in breast cancer (alopecia) STAM2 10254 rs16830728 3.00E-08 IAV
23722424 Educational attainment STK24 8428 rs3783006 8.00E-08 IAV
22159054 Alzheimer's disease STK24 8428 rs912330 4.00E-06 IAV
20834067 Longevity STK24 8428 rs9517320 1.00E-06 IAV
19114657 Blood pressure STK39 27347 rs6749447 2.00E-07 IAV
18937294 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (time to onset) SULF2 55959 rs4810685 7.00E-06 IAV
23382691 IgG glycosylation SUV420H1 51111 rs4930561 1.00E-08 IAV
19010793 Normalized brain volume SVIL 6840 rs1927457 8.00E-06 IAV
23222517 Red blood cell traits SYCE2 256126 rs741702 8.00E-20 IAV
22456796 Type 2 diabetes SYK 6850 rs10993738 5.00E-06 IAV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis SYK 6850 rs290986 9.00E-07 IAV
23480133 Vascular dementia SYK 6850 rs290227 7.00E-11 IAV
24026423 Mean platelet volume TAOK1 57551 rs9900280 1.00E-10 IAV
22139419 Platelet counts TAOK1 57551 rs559972 3.00E-18 IAV
22699663 Periodontal microbiota TBC1D1 23216 rs10010758 4.00E-06 IAV
23945395 Type 2 diabetes TCF7L2 6934 rs7903146 2.00E-15 IAV
23535729 Breast cancer TCF7L2 6934 rs7904519 3.00E-08 IAV
23544013 Breast Cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers TCF7L2 6934 rs11196174 8.00E-07 IAV
21347282 Coronary heart disease TCF7L2 6934 rs7901695 1.00E-06 IAV
20081858 Fasting glucose-related traits TCF7L2 6934 rs4506565 1.00E-08 IAV
20081857 Two-hour glucose challenge TCF7L2 6934 rs12243326 1.00E-07 IAV
20383146 Chronic kidney disease TFDP2 7029 rs347685 3.00E-11 IAV
23455636 Age-related macular degeneration TGFBR1 7046 rs334353 3.00E-11 IAV
23535729 Breast cancer TGFBR2 7048 rs12493607 2.00E-08 IAV
17903302 Tonometry TGFBR2 7048 rs3773643 2.00E-07 IAV
22561518 Vitiligo TICAM1 148022 rs6510827 9.00E-08 IAV
20852632 Ovarian cancer TIPARP 25976 rs2665390 3.00E-07 IAV
22267201 Menopause (age at onset) TLK1 9874 rs10183486 2.00E-14 IAV
23652523 Helicobacter pylori serologic status TLR10 81793 rs10004195 1.00E-18 IAV
23897914 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia TNK2 10188 rs2278034 5.00E-06 IAV
23053960 Systemic lupus erythematosus TNPO3 23534 rs12531711 6.00E-13 IAV
21750679 Systemic sclerosis TNPO3 23534 rs10488631 4.00E-07 IAV
21946351 Basal cell carcinoma TP53 7157 rs78378222 2.00E-20 IAV
23150908 Alzheimer's disease TREM2 54209 rs75932628 2.00E-12 IAV
22939635 C-reactive protein TREM2 54209 rs7748513 1.00E-10 IAV
22883433 Schizophrenia TRIM26 7726 rs2523722 1.00E-16 IAV
21926974 Schizophrenia TRIM26 7726 rs2021722 2.00E-12 IAV
20881960 Height TULP4 56995 rs9456307 2.00E-09 IAV
21102463 Crohn's disease TYK2 7297 rs12720356 1.00E-12 IAV
21829393 Type 1 diabetes autoantibodies TYK2 7297 rs2304256 1.00E-10 IAV
20953190 Psoriasis TYK2 7297 rs280519 4.00E-09 IAV
23471985 Brain connectivity UBE2A 7319 rs7879933 2.00E-10 IAV
22797727 Renal function-related traits (BUN) UNCX 340260 rs10275044 4.00E-09 IAV
21810271 vWF and FVIII levels VAV2 7410 rs12344583 8.00E-06 IAV
20598377 Multiple sclerosis VAV2 7410 rs3780792 1.00E-06 IAV
24097068 Cholesterol, total VLDLR 7436 rs3780181 7.00E-10 IAV
23870195 Coronary artery calcification WDR33 55339 rs17015535 6.00E-06 IAV
24144296 Axial length WDR34 89891 rs12380424 6.00E-06 IAV
20383146 Chronic kidney disease WDR37 22884 rs10794720 1.00E-08 IAV
22808956 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis WNT9B 7484 rs11079740 9.00E-06 IAV
22960999 Esophageal cancer (squamous cell) XBP1 7494 rs2239815 4.00E-15 IAV
23726511 Post-traumatic stress disorder (asjusted for relatedness) ZMAT3 64393 rs4955793 2.00E-06 IAV
23396134 Refractive error ZMAT4 79698 rs7829127 4.00E-10 IAV
17903298 Fasting plasma glucose ZMAT4 79698 rs2722425 2.00E-08 IAV
20881960 Height ZMIZ1 57178 rs7916441 6.00E-10 IAV
23563607 Height ZMIZ1 57178 rs780151 2.00E-09 IAV
23535729 Breast cancer ZMIZ1 57178 rs704010 7.00E-22 IAV
23453885 Autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia (combined) ZMIZ1 57178 rs703970 5.00E-06 IAV
22482804 Crohn's disease and psoriasis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250544 7.00E-14 IAV
22190364 Multiple sclerosis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250542 4.00E-07 IAV
21833088 Multiple sclerosis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250550 6.00E-09 IAV
20526339 Vitiligo ZMIZ1 57178 rs11593576 8.00E-07 IAV
20190752 Celiac disease ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250552 9.00E-10 IAV
19525953 Multiple sclerosis ZMIZ1 57178 rs1250540 2.00E-06 IAV