Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Analysis
Total number of results for Dengue virus 2 for GWAS analysis are 13. The entries include disease host genes alongwith gene ID and SNP ID
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
Reference Disease Gene SNP ID SNP p-value Virus
22959728 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (age of onset) CNOT2 4848 rs2904524 5.00E-06 DEN-2
19465909 Malaria DDC 1644 rs1451375 6.00E-06 DEN-2
23251661 Obesity-related traits GCH1 2643 rs3783637 1.00E-06 DEN-2
23583980 Interstitial lung disease MUC2 4583 rs7934606 7.00E-34 DEN-2
23934736 Metabolite levels (X-11787) NRG1 3084 rs1487141 3.00E-06 DEN-2
23870195 Coronary artery calcification NRG1 3084 rs1462872 9.00E-06 DEN-2
23408906 Thyroid hormone levels NRG1 3084 rs7825175 3.00E-09 DEN-2
22267200 Thyroid cancer NRG1 3084 rs2439302 2.00E-09 DEN-2
21546767 Dialysis-related mortality NRG1 3084 rs2439312 7.00E-06 DEN-2
19196962 Hirschsprung's disease NRG1 3084 rs16879552 2.00E-08 DEN-2
17903296 Hip geometry NRG1 3084 rs10503887 2.00E-07 DEN-2
20881960 Height TRIP11 9321 rs7155279 1.00E-10 DEN-2
18391950 Height TRIP11 9321 rs8007661 6.00E-10 DEN-2