aBiofilm Statistics

It contains the general statistics of important fields from aBiofilm database like anti-biofilm agents, types of anti-biofilm agents, targeted organism, group of trageted organism, stages of organism targeted through anti-biofilm agents, and assay used to evaluate anti-biofilm activity of agents.

1. Distribution of anti-biofilm agents (top 12) reported in aBiofilm database

2. Distribution of the types of anti-biofilm agents reported in aBiofilm database

3. Distribution of organisms targeted (top 10) via anti-biofilm agents

4. Distribution of type of organisms (top 03) targeted via anti-biofilm agents

5. Distribution of the stages of biofilm targeted with anti-biofilm agents

6. Distribution of assays (maximally) used to evaluated biofilm inhibition via anti-biofilm agents


Dr. Manoj Kumar
Senior Scientist
Bioinformatics Centre,
CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology,
Sector 39A, Chandigarh,
India - 160036
Phone: +91-172-6665453
Fax: +91-172-2690585, 2690632
Website: http://bioinfo.imtech.res.in/manojk/ E-mail: manojk@imtech.res.in
