Chemical Space Mapping of anti-biofilm agents available in "aBiofilm" database

We used ChesMapper software (k-mean ) to depict the diversity of all the chemicals with anti-biofilm activity available in "aBiofilm" database. In this analyses the clusters are formed according to the relatedness. The clustered analysis is shown in the form of concentric circles, where innermost circle is depicting the original superimposed chemicals in 3-dimesional space; and the outer-most circle is representing the zoomed view of individual cluster (or Maximum Common Subgraph). Moreover, the information of the number of chemicals available is also provided.


Dr. Manoj Kumar
Senior Scientist
Bioinformatics Centre,
CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology,
Sector 39A, Chandigarh,
India - 160036
Phone: +91-172-6665453
Fax: +91-172-2690585, 2690632
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