HIPdb: A Database of Experimentally Validated HIV Inhibiting Peptides. (PLoS One. 2013)
VIRsiRNAdb: a curated database of experimentally validated viral siRNA/shRNA. (Nucleic Acids Res. 2012)
HIVsirDB: a database of HIV inhibiting siRNAs. (PLoS One. 2011)
VIRsiRNApred: a web server for predicting inhibition efficacy of siRNAs targeting human viruses. (J Transl Med. 2013)
VIRmiRNA: a comprehensive resource for experimentally validated viral miRNAs and their targets. (Database (Oxford). 2014)
AVCpred: an integrated web server for prediction and design of antiviral compounds. (Chem Biol Drug Des. 2017)
HIVprotI: HIV Protein Inhibitor Prediction.
Viral Resources
ZikaVR: An Integrated Zika Virus Resource for Genomics, Proteomics, Phylogenetic and Therapeutic Analysis. (Sci Rep. 2016)
HPVbase-- a knowledgebase of viral integrations, methylation patterns and microRNAs aberrant expression: As potential biomarkers for Human papillomaviruses mediated carcinomas. (Sci Rep. 2015)
HPVomics: an integrated viral resource and analysis platform for Human Papillomaviruses study.
ViralEpi v1.0: a high-throughput spectrum of viral epigenomic methylation profiles from diverse diseases. (Epigenomics. 2016)
Subcellular Localization
MSLVP: prediction of multiple subcellular localization of viral proteins using a support vector machine. (Mol Biosyst. 2016)
Biofilms and Quorum Sensing
SigMol: repertoire of quorum sensing signaling molecules in prokaryotes. (Nucleic Acids Res. 2016)
a resource of anti-biofilm agents and their potential implications in targeting antibiotic drug resistance. (Nucleic Acids Res. 2018)
Prediction and analysis of quorum sensing peptides based on sequence features. (PLoS One. 2015)
ABPpred: an in silico method to predict anti-biofilm peptides as therapeutics. Proceedings of EMBO - Chemical Biology 2016 Conference, held on 31 Aug - 3 Sept, 2016 at EMBL Advanced Training Centre, Heidelberg, Germany. (Presented as poster)
RNAi resources
siRNAmod: A database of experimentally validated chemically modified siRNAs. (Sci Rep. 2016)
SMEpred workbench: A web server for predicting efficacy of chemicallymodified siRNAs. (RNA Biol. 2016)
ASPsiRNA: A Resource for ASP-siRNAs targeting Dominantly Inherited Human Genetic Disorders.
vhfRNAi: A web-platform for analysis of host factors involved in viral infections discovered by genome wide RNAi screen.
CRISPR-Genome Editing
CrisprGE: a central hub of CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing. (Database (Oxford). 2015)
ge-CRISPR - An integrated pipeline for the prediction and analysis of sgRNAs genome editing efficiency for CRISPR/Cas system. (Sci Rep. 2016)
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