Anti-flavi Help page

1.Prediction of anti-flavi chemicals

This web page can be used for predicting the chemical with anti-flavi properties. The user can input the query as sdf format and the output will be retrieved as tabulated form with information of SMILES, percentage inhibition, 2-dimensional structure, and important descriptors

2.Prediction of anti-flavi peptides

This web page can be used for predicting the peptides with anti-flavi properties. The user can input the query as pdb format and the output will be retrieved as tabulated form with information of SMILES, percentage inhibition, 2-dimensional structure, and important descriptors

3.Analysis of anti-flavi chemicals

This web page can be used for analyzing the chemical clustering of known anti-flavi chemicals. The clustering was performed by Multidimensional (MDS) scaling through ChemMine tool with cutoff of 0.4

4.Analysis of anti-flavi peptides

This web page can be used for analyzing the peptide clustering of known anti-flavi peptide. The clustering was performed by all-against-all BLASY through CLANS software with p-value cutoff of 1e-90