Chemical, Structural and Biological details of Quorum Sensing Signaling Molecule


Chemical Information
SigMol name:Autoinducer-3      [Link]
IUPAC name:Not Specified
SMILES:Not Specified
Molecular Formula:Not Specified
Molecular Weight (g/mol):Not Specified
Structural Information:[Link]
Biological Information
Name of AHL in article: Autoinducer-3
Synthase gene:Not Specified
Recipient gene: qseC
Organism:Aeromonas hydrophila      [Link to taxonomy browser]
Preliminary assay:Not Specified
Bacterial strain used in Preliminary assay:Not Specified
Identification assay:RT-PCR
Application:modulate swimimg, swarming motility, biofilm formation, protease and hemolytic activity associated with cytotoxic enterotoxin (Act)
Features of bacteria:heterotrophic, Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium
Reference:22664750     [Link to PubMed]



