Chemical, Structural and Biological details of Quorum Sensing Signaling Molecule


Chemical Information
SigMol name:N-(3-Oxohexanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone      [Link]
IUPAC name:3-oxo-N-[(3S)-2-oxooxolan-3-yl]hexanamide
Molecular Formula:C10H15NO4
Molecular Weight (g/mol):213.23
Structural Information:[Link]
Biological Information
Name of AHL in article: N-(3-oxohexanoy1)-L-homoserinelactone
Synthase gene:ecbI
Recipient gene: ecbR
Organism:Erwinia carotovora      [Link to taxonomy browser]
Strain: Ecb168
Preliminary assay:AHL bioassay
Bacterial strain used in Preliminary assay:Agrobacterium tumefaciens NTl(pJM749, pSV33); Escherichia coli VJS533 (pHV2001-)
Identification assay:Not Specified
Application:governs virulence, pectate lyase production, and antibiotic biosynthesis
Features of bacteria: vascular necrosis and root rot of sugar beet and produces an antibiotic(s)
Reference:9476353     [Link to PubMed]



