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Chemical Information |
QSSM_ID: | QSSM_0184
SigMol name: | N-Dodecenoyl-L-homoserine lactone [Link]
Abbreviation: | C12:1-HSL |
IUPAC name: | Not Specified |
SMILES: | Not Specified |
Molecular Formula: | Not Specified |
Molecular Weight (g/mol): | Not Specified |
Structural Information: | [Link] |
Biological Information |
Name of AHL in article: | N-dodecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone with a single unsaturated bond in its acyl chain
Synthase gene: | ginI
Recipient gene: | ginR
Organism: | Gluconacetobacter intermedius [Link to taxonomy browser] |
Strain: | NCI1051
Preliminary assay: | AHL bioassay
Bacterial strain used in Preliminary assay: | Agrobacterium tumefaciens NTL4 (pZLR4)
Identification assay: | LC-MS/MS
Application: | oxidative fermentation
Features of bacteria: | Gram-negative acetic acid bacterium
Reference: | 18245283 [Link to PubMed]