Chemical, Structural and Biological details of Quorum Sensing Signaling Molecule


Chemical Information
SigMol name:N-(3-Hydroxytetradecanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone       [Link]
IUPAC name:3-Hydroxy-N-[(3S)-2-oxotetrahydro-3-furanyl]tetradecanamide
Molecular Formula:C18H33NO4
Molecular Weight (g/mol):327.24
Structural Information:[Link]
Biological Information
Name of AHL in article: N-(3R-hydroxy-7-cis-tetradecanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone
Synthase gene:rhiI
Recipient gene: rhiR
Organism:Rhizobium leguminosarum      [Link to taxonomy browser]
Strain:RBL248, RBL1390,
Preliminary assay:AHL reporter assay
Bacterial strain used in Preliminary assay: Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Viviae 248 harbors Sym plasmid pRL1JI
Identification assay:1H-NMR
Application:root nodule morphogenesis
Features of bacteria: symbiotic nitrogen-fixing root nodules formation in leguminous plants
Reference:8550454     [Link to PubMed]



