SigMol browse page allows user to take a glance of the particular signaling molecule selected by the user. By clicking at "QSSM_id" column i.e. at specific id, user can get detailed chemical, structural and biological information of that particular signaling molecule. Some fields displayed on this page have external link to make browsing more informative viz. "Signaling Molecule" link to PubChem or Chemspider, "Organism" link to NCBI taxonomy browser and "Reference" linked to PubMed. By clicking on the table header arrows, user can sort entries in ascending or descending order.

Total number of Records for hanR are 4

QSSM_ID Signaling system Signaling molecule Synthase gene Uniprot link Recipient gene Uniprot link Molecular Formula Organisms Strains Reference
QSSM_ID Signaling system Signaling molecule Synthase gene Uniprot link Recipient gene Uniprot link Molecular Formula Organisms Strains Reference
QSSM_0351AHLs (N-Acyl homoserine lactones)N-Butyryl-L-homoserine lactonehanIProtein seq hanRProtein seqC8H13NO3Halomonas anticariensis FP35T
QSSM_0352AHLs (N-Acyl homoserine lactones)N-Hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactonehanIProtein seq hanRProtein seqC10H17NO3Halomonas anticariensis FP35T
QSSM_0353AHLs (N-Acyl homoserine lactones)N-Octanoyl-L-homoserine lactonehanIProtein seq hanRProtein seqC12H21NO3Halomonas anticariensis FP35T
QSSM_0354AHLs (N-Acyl homoserine lactones)N-Dodecanoyl-L-homoserine lactonehanIProtein seq hanRProtein seqC16H29NO3Halomonas anticariensis FP35T