DrugRepV is a manually curated database of antivirals (repurposed drugs and chemicals) that contains 8450 entries from 23 diffrent epidemic/pandemic viruses. The database contains experimental details, chemical properties, mode of action/targets, clinical status, primary indications and secondary indications of the repurposed drugs and chemicals. The database is freely accessible at https://bioinfo.imtech.res.in/manojk/drugrepv
DrugrepV browse option is available to explore the entries of database with different modes.i.e. Antiviral name (chemical and drug name), Drug type, primary and secondary indications, assays, clinical status, PubMed IDs,etc. The chemical, structural, biological and biological information is provided for each entry followed by hyperlinks of few fields with external databases like NCBI taxonomy, PubChem, Chemspider, Drug bank, clinicaltrials.gov, WHO, KEGG and PubMed. The detailed overview of DrugRepV browse is provided in figure below.
DrugRepV search option is available to fetch the desired entries from the database from the fields .i.e. DrugRepV ID (chemical/drug), Chemical/Drugs name, primary target, secondary target, assays and PubMed ID used to identify efficiency of chemicals and drugs. The chemical, structural, clinical and biological information is provided for each entry followed by hyperlinks of few fields with external databases like NCBI taxonomy, PubChem, Chemspider, Drug bank, clinicaltrials.gov, WHO, KEGG and PubMed. The detailed overview of DrugrepV search is provided in figure below.
In statistics option, user can view the number of entries for chemicals used in DrugRepV, number of entries for individual virus, drug target stats and also disease & drug category for diffrent antiviral agents. Additionally, the network-based analysis is also provided with all the family of viruses.