
A therapeutic and epitome resource for Human Papillomaviruses

Graphical Representation of Peptide Physiochemical Properties

Peptide Sequence: TWWTGTYPWYPR

P+veN-veNOC No charge
Hydrophobicity("JURD980101")HydrophobicityTWWTGTYPWYPR-6-5-4-3-2-10Hydrophobicity Export to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Preference for beta-strandsPreference for beta-strandsTWWTGTYPWYPR00.511.52Preference for beta-strands Export to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Frequency of alpha-helix in alpha/beta classFrequency of alpha-helix in alpha/beta classTWWTGTYPWYPR010.250.50.751.25Frequency of alpha-helix in alpha/beta class Export to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Physicochemical Properties of peptideHydrophobicity("JURD980101")Preference for beta-strandsFrequency of alpha-helix in alpha/beta classTWWTGTYPWYPR0. of alpha-helix-6-5-4-3-2-101Preference for beta-strands0.250.50.7511.251.51.752Hydrophobicity Export to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Amino Acid PolarityHydrophobicHydrophilic
8(66 %)4 (34 %)

Amino Acid Charge+vely charged-vely chargedNeutral Amino acid
1(8 %)0(0 %)11 (92 %)

Amino Acid Surface exposureSurface exposedBurried
8(66 %)4 (34 %)

DisorderDisorder-promotingOrder-promotingDisorder-order neutral
4(44 %)5(41 %)3 (15 %)

FlexibilityHighly flexibilityLow flexibility
3(25 %)9 (75 %)